In structures cast under the sea such as piers, columns, retaining walls, foundations, etc.
In structural casts below groundwater levels such as cisterns, piles, sumps, bottom slabs, etc.
And in all those structures that contain water and in which the concrete can wash away during the placement processes.
Technical information
Concrete that, due to its design composition, minimizes the loss of fines (concrete matrix paste), which prevents a concrete washout that harms the safety and functionality of the structure.
Due to its low water/cement ratio and its minimum cement content, it allows very durable structures to be obtained. Usually these concretes combine the functionality of durability. Consult with your Commercial Advisor the scope.
Excellent cohesion and high workability, which facilitates installation maneuvers in an environment that is normally difficult to work with.
Slightly extended setting times, which facilitates placement maneuvers.
Slumps from 20 cm. For any other specification, consult your Commercial Advisor.
Maximum size of aggregates, from 10 mm to 20 mm.
Nominal resistance from 250 kg/cm² to High Resistance. Consult with your Commercial Advisor.
It prevents dragging of the concrete matrix paste, which preserves the concrete components at all times, without creating doubts about its quality.
It does not segregate due to the actions of the accommodation of the concrete in the element.
Due to its high fluidity, it allows greater ease in maneuvers of accommodation in environments that are normally difficult to work with.
Where to buy
Are you interested in a budget and/or purchasing Moctezuma Concrete? Call from anywhere in the Republic by phone: 55 5279 5926.
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