Commitment with Our Clients

As a result of our commitment with clients, and convinced of their participation in a new Mexico under construction, Concretos Moctezuma® for over 40 years has evolved and has used the latest technology to manufacture concrete of the highest quality.


We have the following services:

Quality Control Laboratory

In our Quality Control Laboratory each of the mixes we design concrete mixtures with the best materials and appropriate dosages to satisfy the different needs of our clients; produced uniformly and scrupulously verified by the technical team that is properly trained.

In addition our laboratories at Concretos Moctezuma®, work under high quality standards, complying with an Integral Management System under the requirements of ISO 17025 standards: current and ISO 9001: current.

In this laboratory our technicians carry out the necessary analyzes of the raw materials, fresh and hardened concrete, corroborating the resistance of our products in cylinders subjected to compression resistance tests with high-tech equipment.Therefore, our clients trust in the quality and service that our company has always provided them.

Concrete Pumping Service

In Concretos Moctezuma® we complement the concrete supply by reducing its placement time, offering pumping service that with the fleet of stationary and telescopic concrete pumps allows us to offer a better quality in the delivery, according to the needs of each of the projects and its surroundings. Additionally, we have mixer units with an integrated crane that not all the manufacturers have.

Work or Mobile Plants

They are used to be with the product in the place where the work is being built, allowing us to provide an excellent service, making resources efficient when operating in isolated areas or with heavy load of traffic by avoiding the use of permanent routes of transportation, schedule restrictions, which in the end will result, undoubtedly, in a better fulfillment of the needs of our clients.

Some considerations for having a Work Plant as a client:

  • Considerable daily volume
  • In the work there must be some fronts considered
  • It is requested in cases of special concrete
  • High and continuous requirement of supply

Calibration Laboratory

In Concretos Moctezuma® we have a Calibration Laboratory which has a professional and responsible team able to offer you services for the calibration of compression essays.

In May 2013 got the certification of Calibration Laboratory at the scope of 5 kN to 1 MN before the la “EMA” (Entidad Mexicana de Acreditación, A.C.).

Thus, all our activities are based in its Quality Management System we and our clients have the certainty that the measuring equipment (compression presses, locates in each of its plants) is calibrated in compliance with all the requirements of the Standard ISO/IEC/17025.

The press is the most important measuring equipment in the ready-mixed concrete business, as it measures the resistance of the concrete delivered in every work. We provide service in any part of the Republic. If you want more information, please contact us via E-mail:

Where to buy

Are you interested on a budget and/or purchasing Moctezuma Concrete?

Communicate from anywhere in the Republic to the phone: 55 5279 5926.
Locate one of our plants or Points of Sale:
Amy Bot